So, I had no idea that we were missing out on exciting opportunities like, oh I don’t know, having a cow show up in our backyard one morning. We have cows that reside in the pasture right next to our yard, so when "A" said, “Mom, I see a cow out there!” I barely acknowledged it. When he repeated himself, I acknowledge him and reminded him that cows have been “out there” since we arrived in at our Belgium house. He became insistent that I take a look and, in the interest of eating my breakfast in peace, I looked. “Buddy, we have a cow in our yard!”
It appeared that she had broken through the fence somehow and had come to see what we were up to. I didn’t get too worried about it until she came clear up onto our patio. At that point I felt action needed to be taken. After all, cow poo on the patio is not cool. So I grabbed a towel and shooed her back as best I could. After laying down for a bit to rest, she finally moseyed to the back of the property.
After about an hour, "T" came home and surveyed the situation (I had called him during the shooing). He thought there was no need to intervene. That is, until the cow began to make her way back up to the house again. Then he (with a very small amount of help from me) was able to shoo her back over the fence where she belonged.
When we talked with our landlord about this, she informed us that it had happened to them once before. Only the cow that came to visit them had begun calfing on the patio. Yeah, that would have been more education than I wanted to give my children at this point!
In all, it made for an exciting morning. The only problem now it that I am pretty sure Little Miss thought we had gotten her a cow of her own. And now she wants to know where it is. Well, she is just going to have to deal with this loss. I am not ready to have a dog, let alone a cow.