Sunday, March 30, 2008


cartoon from

Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.

2 things:

1. I hate to clean. I avoid it when I can and muddle through it when I can't. This week "T" was gone, the kids were sick, the house was a mess, and my in-laws were coming over from the US for a visit. No choice. Cleaning ensued.

2. Taxes. Yes, I know, everyone hates paying them. I'm talking about preparing them. I am a reasonably smart woman. I can generally take care of all the family paperwork and financial matters. Taxes have, however, eluded me. I even took a free tax preparation class once. I dropped out after the third class. The whole thing was giving me a migraine. Tax preparation has now been placed under the category of "things I am willing to pay others to do for me". So, here's to our accountant. Do your thing, sir.