Monday, May 9, 2011

Another name in the Lamb's Book of Life

It has been forever since I posted to this blog. But since I posted "A's" story here, I must post this one too!

On April 24, 2011, "G" gave her heart to Jesus! Here's what happened:

It was Easter Sunday and we were watching the Mars Hill Church Easter Service that was being broadcast online (we are living in Germany). At the end of the sermon, the pastor invited people to come and be baptized. Now, baptism has been a discussion around our house because "A" wants to be baptized when we go back to Iowa this summer. Usually "G's" response to such discussion is "Not me!". But this day, she turned to me and said, "Mama, I want to be baptized.". I smiled at her and told her that baptism meant that you had asked Jesus to come and live in your heart and take away your sins. And if you haven't done that, then getting baptized would be like telling a lie. I expected her usual response ("I'll ask him when I'm 5." or "I'll do that when I'm bigger."). Instead she looked like she was thinking hard and looked down at her lap. After about a minute she looked up and said, "I want to do that". I said, "Do what?" She said, "I want to ask Jesus into my heart.". At that point the tears spouted and I could barely talk. I tapped "T's"'s knee (he was sitting on the other end of the couch and hadn't heard any of our discussion) and pointed at "G". I handed her to him and watched as she told him what she wanted to do. He asked her several questions to make sure she understood, then led her in prayer. We were both teary messes by the end!

Praise you Jesus! Both of my children have their name written in the Lamb's Book of Life!

Lord help "T" and I to disciple these children well that they might grow up to do the things You have planned for them!

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